Research Shows...
There's a Big Problem Brewing
The financial advice world is changing. Surveys with over 5,000 financial planners show there are THREE major challenges they face right now:
- Finding ways to demonstrate REAL and LASTING value to their clients
- Justifying their initial and ongoing fees to increasingly savvy clients
- Competition from other advisors and from lower cost online DIY solutions
The pandemic has caused a fundamental shift in people’s attitude toward their finances and how these can best serve them.
Financial advisors across the planet are faced with clients redefining what’s important to them. As these clients weigh up what they value most in life they are keen to work with financial professionals who can add REAL value to their life not simply charge them for their investment portfolio.
This is an opportunity for those financial planners who can connect with clients about what matters most.
If you want to demonstrate more value, earn bigger fees, secure more clients, keep them longer and have them refer you more often you need to have what it takes.

What Life Centered Planners Have to Say When They Pivot

Mark Sydow
I've been exploring your content, and I am absolutely loving it! I am really keen to shape my practice to that of a Life Centered Planner! Keep up the great work!

Duane Kohl
This year will be my 17th year as a Financial Advisor. Never before have I been as excited about my vocation. I have always known that I have been good at what I do, but for the first time, I feel that I can be excellent.
A Brighter Future is Waiting For You When You
Communicate and Deliver
Life Centered Financial Planning...
Imagine how it will feel when you know, for sure, that you can easily differentiate yourself from every other financial advisor.
Imagine serving clients in a way that truly demonstrates that you add real and lasting value to their lives.
Imagine how it will feel to know that your own personal skills, knowledge and expertise, applied in a life centered way, can deliver you more job satisfaction, more income and more profit whilst adding incredible value to the lives of your clients.
Imagine knowing that the human touch, an emotional connection and a deeper understanding of your client’s real needs, will outperform any money-focused advisor - or any robot.
You will achieve these things when you learn how to pivot your approach to financial planning by successfully communicating and delivering Life Centered Financial Planning.
Doesn't that sound like the future you want?
Join Life Centered Planners
Benefits of joining Life Centered Planners
- Learn how to differentiate yourself from other financial advisors
- Develop deeper client relationships
- Build more trust with your clients
- Demonstrate more value in your service
- Become more confident in yourself and your service
- Receive more referrals to the right type of clients
- Increase your fee income and easily build your AUM - for all the RIGHT reasons
What Advisors Are Saying About
Life Centered Planners...

Kim Potgeiter
South Africa
This has been a long time coming! Count me in! A very exciting revolution to be part of!

Mark Hudon
You're creating something amazing here. It's definitely "an idea whose time has come". I'm looking forward to going from dabbling in life centered planning to mastery.

Russ Hirst
United Kingdom
Excited to be on board and already making huge changes to the business and more importantly my own outlook on this profession. Let's crack on guys!

Loukas Tournatzis
I realize that a new trend is coming into our profession. Focus on the client's life and not only on his money. In Greece, we are far away from this way of thinking. So I have decided that I want to be different from the other professionals in my country!
When You Join Life Centered Planners You Also Get
The Introduction To Life Centered Financial Planning Course including:
- Guided Steps with Education Credits
- Up to 20 hours of CE Credit / CPD
- Powerful concepts and content that you can put to use immediately
- Assessments leading to Certified Member of Life Centered Planners™
- Membership of a Global community of inspiring advisors who put their clients lives at the center of every conversation
- High-quality videos and support tools
- Marketing materials and templates to use in your Financial Planning practice
- Private discussion forum to learn from and discuss with like-minded professionals and coaches
- Virtual events and online networking with other members from around the world
This is for you if you want to differentiate yourself from other advisors and quickly demonstrate more value
Join Life Centered Planners today
Meet the Founders of
Life Centered Planners
Founders Mitch Anthony and Paul Armson are the co-authors of 'Life Centered Financial Planning - How to Deliver Value that will NEVER be Undervalued'. They help financial advisors all around the world see the personal and commercial benefits of LIFE centered financial planning when they put their clients LIFE first, and their money second. Paul and Mitch have been successfully helping advisors master this life centered approach for over a decade and have now launched Life Centered Planners to bring together those who deliver, or want to deliver, or want to get better at delivering, Life Centered Financial Planning. The time has come. Join us.
Paul Armson
Paul became an independent financial advisor in 1982. After the sudden death of his Mum, he vowed to make 'Life is not a rehearsal!' his mantra. This helped him bring a real sense of urgency to financial planning and so create a successful 'Lifestyle Financial Planning' service proposition; one designed to help clients get what they want out of life - before it's too late! Paul believes you have to practice what you preach, so he semi-retired at the age of 45 to start sailing his yacht 'Spellbound' around the world with his soulmate Lynn.
Paul now helps other financial advisors successfully transition to a Life Centered 'Lifestyle Financial Planning' model.
Paul believes it's time for ALL advisors to get back to WHY they do their job - helping clients to get and keep the life they want – by focusing on clients' lives more than they do their money.

Mitch Anthony
For over 20 years Mitch has been bringing fresh perspectives and pioneering thought to the world of financial advice. He believes that Return on Life - not return on investment - is the client's ultimate goal where we help clients get the best life possible with the money they have.
One of the world's leading authorities on Life Centered Financial Planning Mitch speaks to over 20,000 advisors each year on stages around the world. His messages speak to the heart of serving clients as best we can and he has been named one of the most meaningful keynote speakers in financial services.
He is the founder of the Financial Life Planning Institute, co-founder of Life Centered Planners (with Paul) and ROL Advisor (with Steve Sanduski). He is also an instructor in Life Centered Financial Planning at Texas Tech University.
He is the author of several ground-breaking books including 'The New Retirementality', 'Your Clients For Life' and co-author with Paul Armson of Life Centered Financial Planning